
Wisconsin Works (W-2) is based on work participation and personal responsibility. The program provides employment preparation services, case management and cash assistance to eligible families.
The program is available to low-income parents with minor children who meet eligibility requirements and who are willing to work to their ability. Each W-2 eligible participant meets with a Financial and Employment Planner (FEP), who helps the individual develop an employability plan with goals to lead to family self-sufficiency.
Serving the following counties:
- Ashland County (Serving Ashland, Bayfield, & Iron Counties)
- Barron
- Burnett
- Chippewa
- Clark
- Douglas
- Dunn
- Eau Claire
- Polk
- Rusk
- St. Croix Valley (Serving Pierce & St. Croix Counties)
- Sawyer
- Washburn
Community Resources Directory
The CSJ placement is for applicants and ongoing W-2 participants who are not ready for unsubsidized employment. A CSJ placement provides the opportunity to practice work habits and skills that are necessary to succeed in any regular job environment, including punctuality, reliability, work social skills, and more. CSJ work site providers are expected to offer an environment which generally replicates regular employment, realizing that job coaching and mentoring may be needed to help the participant succeed. A participant placed in a CSJ receives a monthly payment of $653 for full-time participation. Individuals who are employed part-time, but have personal barriers that prevent them from increasing their work hours, may be placed in a part-time CSJ position with prorated benefits. In addition to a cash grant, CSJ participants may be eligible for FoodShare, Medicaid, child care assistance, and Job Access Loans.
The W-2 Transition (W-2 T) employment position is for individuals who have been determined not ready for unsubsidized employment and are unable to successfully participate in one of the other W-2 employment positions for reasons such as an individual's incapacitation or the need to remain in the home to care for another W-2 group member who is incapacitated or disabled. Those individuals who have permanent, verified employment barriers are assisted in securing federal Supplemental Security Insurance benefits. Individuals whose barriers are not permanent or who are allowed to work with accommodations are assigned to activities to prepare for successful entry into the workforce. W-2 T participants receive $628 a month. In addition to a cash grant, W-2 T participants may be eligible for FoodShare, Medicaid, child care assistance, and Job Access Loans.
CMC placements are for individuals who are the custodial parent of an infant who is 56 days old or less. Individuals in a CMC placement receive $673 per month and are not required to participate in an employment position unless he/she volunteers to participate. In addition to a cash grant, CMC participants may be eligible for FoodShare, Medicaid, child care assistance, and Job Access Loans.
ARP placements are available to unmarried women in the third trimester of pregnancy who have a medically verified at-risk pregnancy. Individuals in an ARP placement receive a set monthly payment. In addition to a cash grant of $673, W-2 T participants may be eligible for FoodShare and Medicaid.
Individuals who have the basic skills, but lack sufficient work experience to meet employer requirements, may be placed in a TEMP Job. Through a Trial Job contract, the employer agrees to provide the participant with on-the-job work experience and training in exchange for a wage subsidy. TEMP Jobs are expected to result in permanent employment. The employer must pay the participant a wage comparable to regular employees in similarly classified positions. Trial Job participants may be eligible for the state and federal Earned Income Credit, FoodShare, Medicaid, child care assistance, and Job Access Loans.
In addition to the paid placements described above, noncustodial parents, minor parents, and pregnant women may be eligible for an array of case management services. Also, custodial parents who are employed when they apply or become employed after participating in W-2 may be eligible for case management services. The final group eligible for case management services is W-2 participants who reach their time limit but ask for case management services.
Job Access Loans (JAL) are short-term loans designed to meet expenses related to obtaining or maintaining employment. JALs are designed for an individual needing assistance because of a financial crisis that cannot be resolved with personal resources and other funding sources are not available or have been exhausted.
Emergency Assistance (EA) is a W-2 Related Program that provides funding housing and utility aid to families with a child(ren). Eligibility criteria are very similar to W-2. In addition to financial and non-financial eligibility criteria, EA applicants must be experiencing a current emergency due to homelessness, impending homelessness, energy crisis, fire, flood, or natural disaster. Receiving EA assistance does not require W-2 work program participation, but applicants are encouraged to also apply for W-2.
Serving the following counties: Ashland County (Serving Ashland, Bayfield, & Iron Counties), Barron, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Polk, Rusk, St. Croix Valley (Serving Pierce & St. Croix Counties), Sawyer, and Washburn
You may qualify for W-2 if
- You are a custodial parent with minor children
- You are at least 18 years of age
- You are a United States Citizen or Qualified Alien
- You have not quit or refused employment within the previous 180 days without good cause
- You meet specific financial and non-financial eligibility requirements
- You are not receiving SSI/SSDI
W-2 is a time-limited program not to exceed 60 months, including the receipt of TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) in other states. Additional months can be provided under some circumstances.
To apply for W-2, call 855-792-5439 to schedule an enrollment at an office near you.
The best method to apply for Wisconsin Works or the associated Emergency Assistance Program is to use your Wisconsin Government Access account (Most people who receive benefits through Economic Support will have one of these) at https://access.wisconsin.gov/access/jsp/access/Home.jsp. Sign-in with your log-on and choose the additional benefits tab. If you are unable to apply for W-2 through Access, please phone our W-2 central help phoneline at 877-711-9390 ext. 1215. If the call is not immediately answered, leave a voice message. All calls are responded to within 24 hours.

Equal Rights Documents
Phone Directory
Applications, central help desk,
Ashland Office 422 Third Street W. Suite202, Ashland, WI 54806
855.792.5439.2110: Haley Nye
Barron Job Center 331 S. Main Street, Suite#6, Rice Lake, WI 54868
715.234.6302.2511: Megan Spexet
Burnett Office 24467 State Road 35/70,Suite 8, Siren, WI 54872
855.792.5439.1819: Christal Demydowich
Chippewa, Call 715.723.2248
Clark Job Center 501 Hewett Street, Neillsville, WI 54456
715.743.4631.1212: Camryn Mead
Douglas County 1805 North 14th Street, Superior, WI 54880
855.792.5439.2412: Megan Hamadi
Dunn Job Center 401 Technology Dr E. Suite200, Menomonie, WI 54751
715.232.7360.1423: Gabriella Rohrer
Eau Claire Job Center 221 W. Madison Street, Suite 140-A, Eau Claire, WI 54703
715.858.9675.1413: Emma McIlquham
715.858.9675.1525:Annie Brunn
Polk Job Center 400 Polk County Plaza, Balsam Lake, WI 54810
855.792.5439.1215: Dawn Harings
Wisconsin Works (W-2) services will continue to be available to Polk County residents, even though the office located at 317 Main St. Balsam Lake, has been closed. Current customers will be partnered with staff in adjacent counties. Individuals applying for W-2 should phone 1-855-792-5439 ext. 1215. Applicants are encouraged to apply online at https://access.wisconsin.gov/access . Other employment and training services currently offered by Workforce Resource Inc. at that location will also continue. More information is available at 855.792.5439 or email at inquire@workforceresource.org .
Rusk Office 1000 College Avenue W, Room215, Ladysmith, WI 54848
855.792.5439.2511: Megan Spexet
Sawyer Office 15612 Windrose Lane, Suite200, Hayward, WI 54843
855.792.5439.2511: Megan Spexet
St. Croix Office 215 North Second St Suite 105, River Falls, WI 54022
715.426.0388.1512: Hannah Chang
Washburn Office PO Box231, 522 Service Road, Spooner, WI 54801
855.792.5439.2511: Megan Spexet