Eau Claire Resources

Quick Links to Resource Groups Below

Note: Most resources listed here can be found in documents linked at Eau Claire County Resource Library

Search for nearby food resources using Google’s Find Food Support website

Vivent Health (Healthcare, Housing, Food, Legal Services)
505 South Dewey Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-836-7710


Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP)
418 Wisconsin Street
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-836-7511, ext. 1160 and 866-432-8947

Catholic Charities
322 Fulton Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-832-6644

Heat 4 Heroes (Veteran’s Resources)
1220 S. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715
Phone: 800-891-9276

Workforce Resource Inc.
Emergency Assistance Program
221 W. Madison Street, Suite 140-A
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 855-802-5430

Salvation Army
2211 S. Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-834-1224

Veteran’s Assistance Foundation
1118 Superior Avenue
Tomah, WI 54660
Phone:  866-828-8387 or 608-372-8387


Bolton Refuge House (Shelter for victims of domestic or sexual abuse)
807 S. Farwell Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-834-9578
24 Hour Crisis Number: 855-526-5866

Choose Aftercare- Knight House (rentals for adults coming out of treatment, jail or prison)
Phone:  715-450-1146

Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley (Beacon House Family Shelter)
309 E. Lake Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-834-4357

Hope Gospel Mission – Ruth House (Single women’s facility & long-term recovery program)
2517 W. Moholt Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Phone: 715-552-5566

Sojourner House/Catholic Charities
618 S. Barstow Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-514-5556

Feeding Wisconsin FoodShare Helpline
Phone: 877-366-3635

Catholic Charities
322 Fulton Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703

Salvation Army
2211 S. Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-834-1224

Hope Renewal Center for Men (Singe men’s facility & long-term recover program)
2517 W. Moholt Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Phone: 715-552-5566

Western Dairyland EOC
418 Wisconsin Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-836-7511

Workforce Resource Inc.
221 W. Madison Street, Suite 140-A
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 877-711-9390, ext 1215

Second Harvest
Maureen Wilson, FoodShare Specialist
Call, text, or e-mail for questions or help applying for FoodShare
Phone: 715-496-3121

Housing Authorities

Central Wisconsin Community Action
800 Wisconsin Street, Banbury Place
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-598-7188

Eau Claire County
227 1st Street West Altoona, WI 54720 (Eau Claire County)
2404 Spooner Avenue (Altoona Housing)

Eau Claire City Housing
203 S. Farwell Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-839-4943


Free Meals

Altoona United Methodist Church (monthly)
428 1st St. W.
Altoona, WI 54720
Phone: 715-832-9953

The Community Table
320 Putnam Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-835-4977

Food Pantries

Augusta Area Food Pantry
207 N. Stone St.
Augusta, WI 54722
Phone: 715-533-5049

Altoona Compassion Coalition
701 7th Street W.
Altoona, WI 54720
Phone: 715-255-0783

Chapel Heights Food Pantry
300 E. Hamilton Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-832-2333

Ekklesia Food Pantry
1005 Oxford Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-829-3375

Fall Creek Community Cupboard
704 Kennedy Ave.
Fall Creek, WI 54742
Phone: 715-877-2330

Immanuel Lutheran Food Pantry
3214 Golf Road
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-832-7832

St. Francis Food Pantry
1221 Truax Blvd
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-839-7706

WIC Program (Women’s Infants & Children)
720 2nd Avenue, Courthouse
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-839-5051

Eau Claire County Department of Human Services
FoodShare Program (SNAP)
721 Oxford Avenue, Courthouse
Eau Claire, Wi 54703
Phone:  715-839-2300
Call Center:  888-283-0012
Application Help: 877-366-3635

ADRC (Aging & Disability Resource Center)
721 Oxford Avenue, Courthouse
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-839-4886

Christ Temple Church Food Pantry
1719 Omaha St.
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone: 715-869-3162 or 715-523-0670

Hmong Mutual Assistance Association Pantry
1320 W. Clairemont
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-832-8420
Help Hotline: 877-740-4292

Christ Temple Church Food Pantry
1719 Omaha Street
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-869-3162

Fairchild Food Pantry
200 W. Main St
Fairchild, WI 54741
Phone:  715-334-3583

First Baptist Food Shelf
218 W Lincoln St
Augusta, WI  54722
Phone:  715-286-2042

Ruby’s Pantry, Lutheran Church of Good Shepherd
1120 Cedar Street
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-834-2959

Trinity Lutheran Food Pantry
1314 E. Lexington Blvd
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-832-6601

Feed My People
2610 Alpine Road
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-835-9415

ECASD Summer Found Service Program
500 Main Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Phone:  715-852-3021

Beacon House Pantry
(Not a Full Pantry, provides enough dry goods for a few meals)
309 E Lake St,
Eau Claire, WI, 54701
Phone: 715-834-4357


3605 Gateway Drive
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-835-0532

Plato’s Closet
3561 Gateway Drive
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-836-7800

The Kings Closet
310 S. Barstow Street
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-271-1986

Shepherd’s Closet
1120 Cedar Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-834-2959

Hope Gospel Mission Bargain Center
2511 Moholt Drive
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-839-9498

2833 Mall Drive
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-835-8500

Touched Twice Clinic
123 West Hamilton Avenue
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-835-5073

AODA & Mental Health

Sunshine Behavioral Health
Phone: 855-961-0828
Homeless Youth Resources: https://www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/resources/resources-for-homeless-and-runaway-youth/

Gaining Ground (formerly Positive Avenues)
-For adults experiencing mental illness, and or homelessness
306 S Barstow Street (Located in Community Transition Center)
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-214-7334

Northwest Connections
Phone: 888-552-6642 (crisis)
Phone: 715-327-4402

Community Transition Center – Lutheran Social Services
306 S Barstow
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-855-5300

CARR Lutheran Social Services (Chippewa Area Recovery Resources)
306 South Barstow (Located in Community Transition Center)
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: 715-855-5300

Wisconsin Judicare
401 5th Street
Suite #200
Wausau, WI  54403
Phone:  715-842-1681

Lawyer Referral & Information
Phone:  800-362-9082

Chippewa Falls Public Library
105 W Central St, Chippewa Falls
4th Wednesday (monthly) between 6:30PM-8:00PM
Free 15 minute consultation (first come first serve)

For UWEC Students
Attorney Harry Hertel 
Student Senate Office (220 Davies Center)
Phone: 715-836-4646 
Email: studentlegal@uwec.edu   


Medical Assistance
Great Rivers Consortium
Department of Human Services, Courthouse
721 Oxford Avenue
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  888-283-0012

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
967 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-833-2279

Touched Twice – Clinic
123 West Hamilton Ave
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-835-5073

City/County Health Department
(Nurse home visits, WI Well Woman, Adult Health)
720 2nd Avenue
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-839-4718 or 715-839-6988

Family Support Center
21 S. Barstow St., STE 7
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-830-0188

Wellness Shack
505 S Dewey St
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-855-7705

CVTC Dental Clinic
615 W Clairemont Avenue, Room 120
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-833-6271

Chippewa Valley Free Clinic
1030 Oak Ridge Drive
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-839-8477

Apple Pregnancy Care Center
2600 Stein Blvd #2
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-834-5254

Free Legal Clinic (EC County Bar Assoc)
LE Phillips Memorial Public Library
400 Eau Claire Street
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-839-5004

YMCA of EC- Livestrong Program
700 Graham Avenue
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-833-4846

Department of Human Services (Family services – Birth to Three)
721 Oxford Ave
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-839-6216

Eau Claire County Outpatient Mental Health Clinic
Phone:  715-839-7118

Nat’l Alliance on Mental Illness
Phone:  715-450-6484

Lutheran Social Services Women’s Way
505 S Dewey St. Ste 103
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-855-6181


(Wisconsin Shares) Department of Human Services
721 Oxford Ave
Eau Claire, WI  54702
Phone:  888-283-0012

Boys & Girls Club of Greater Chippewa Valley
1005 Oxford Avenue
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-855-0081

Western Dairyland EOC
Child Care Partnerships Resource & Referral
418 Wisconsin Street
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-836-7511

Hand in Hand
800 Wisconsin Street
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-833-7744


Eau Claire Transit
910 Forest Street
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  715-839-5111

Tender Care Transport
1324 Menomonie Street
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-835-2435

Medical Transportation Management
Eau Claire, WI  54703
Phone:  866-907-1493

Wheel to Work, Western Dairyland EOC
418 Wisconsin Street
Eau Claire, WI  54701
Phone:  715-836-7511


Kids Helpline/Mayo Clinic
Phone:  715-838-5633

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone:  800-273-8255

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Phone: 988

Trevor Hotline for LGBTQIA+ Youth
Phone LINE: 1-866-488-7386
Text LINE: 678-678 (text the word START)
No Phone: We’re here for you Now – The Trevor Project (select chat online)